Business: Three Simple Steps to Inspired Action

“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it… Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” – Goethe

As we come into the fall season – the final quarter of the calendar year – with getting kids ready for school, the weather changing, and the pace at work picking up, most of us feel the pressure to jump into action. In order to support you on your quest, below are three guiding steps to help you move into powerful, inspiring, expansive action – from a place of ease and power – in the new season.

1.  Connect To Your Vision

The first step in taking action is to get inspired. And the inspiration you desire is always within. It is a reflection of what is most important to you, your calling, how you can serve with full self-expression, and manifest your ideal life. Connect to your big picture – a picture that is compelling and exciting – and fill yourself with positive emotions.

Once connected, your vision will light you up, lead you to make extraordinary choices, stimulate your creativity – and inspire you to action.

2.  Get Clear on Your Goals

Next, you’ll need to define the action steps – which I’ll refer to as goals. While your vision is broad and open ended, your goals need to be:

1)  specific – clearly stated in a concise way;

2)  realistic and achievable;

3)  measurable so you’ll know when you’ve achieved them; and

4)  planned with a timeline and step by step actions including the resources and skills necessary for their completion.

Your goals may or may not be inspirational, but they are necessary stepping stones toward achieving your vision.

3. Commit to Action

After you define your goals and your plan for their achievement, you must make a decision to take action. One of the most common traits of highly successful people in business is the ability to make decisions and to take action quickly. This trait is known as implementation speed, the ability to shift from idea to decision to execution.

Excessive researching, analyzing, reading and waiting will not give you the answers you need to stay connected and on path. Action, however, will. It’s true that some of the results of your actions will not lead you down the golden path of ease, but you’ll get great feedback, and important new insights and experience that will guide you on your path of expansion.

Remember, the Universe always rewards action. If your action is empowered with purpose, meaning and heart-centred intent, your vision will manifest, and your reward will be commensurate. This is law.

As you enjoy both the action you take and its implicit rewards of fulfillment and validation, remember not to fall into the trap of letting your ego attach to owning any result. This can only bring suffering.

As the great Mahatma Gandhi said, “Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory.”

May you have a victorious life.

by Parvati Magazine staff