April 2017: Fresh Start (Read the Full Issue)

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Welcome to the April 2017 edition of Parvati Magazine.

Spring reminds us that life is a renewing force. After the desolate landscape of winter, we see the beginnings of colourful, tender leaves and new life sprouting from the earth.

As we move through the routine and unexpected events in our lives, it is easy to get caught up in feeling that we need to take charge and do everything ourselves. We may forget that in every moment, we have Nature’s ever-present support. But what we receive from Nature is beyond its abundant physical resources, such as food and shelter. Nature also provides our body/being with the energy that literally gives us life.

In this month’s issue you will find articles to inspire a fresh perspective and fresh start in your life.

If we look at a tree in the forest or garden, we see how effortlessly it grows within a greater whole. A flower is the same. It rests rooted in the soil as its stem joyfully arises from the ground. At its peak, the slender stem, capped by a surrendered display of delicate petals, shows us how we too can open to the light and share our sweet fragrance with the world.

As you go about your life this month, remember that you are immensely supported, just as the flowers and the trees. You are lovingly held within a vast and intelligent whole, of which you are an integral part. You are never alone.

Love yourself.

Love others.

Love our world.

We are one Earth family.
