January 2019: Now (Read the Full Issue)

From the Editor


Happy 2019! Welcome to the January 2019 issue of Parvati Magazine.

Meeting this moment, as it is, is something many of us don’t do that often. Our minds tend to be busy interpreting information and categorizing it to suit our version of reality. We then believe that what we perceive as the truth. This in turn motivates our behaviour, which determines our experiences.

But the more we meet the moment with presence—free from the grip of past attachments and future expectations—the richer our lives become.

This month, on the theme of “Now”, we hear from bestselling author Byron Katie, renowned yogi Seane Corn, natural beauty trailblazer May Lindstrom, advertiser and humanitarian Natalie Lyall of Ogilvy, entertainment business dynamo Jasper Donat, and many more. Plus, discover my guided meditation to help you make this year your best yet!

From my heart to yours, enjoy!


Thank you for reading the January 2019 issue of Parvati Magazine.

This moment is complete unto itself. Yet, we are habituated, even addicted, to eclipsing it with our thoughts of the past and projections into the future. Never is this moment hidden for us. Because of our perceptions, we cut our own selves off from the fullness of the now.

For those who are attached to the idea that life is “happening to me”, the proposal that our discontent is our own doing is not welcome news. But for those who are willing to look deeper into what is and see life beyond the grip of seductive illusions, this is profoundly empowering. Since we are the ones who have cut ourselves off from the perfect now, we are the ones who are able to reconnect with it.

May you connect with the joy, abundance and vitality of the now, and every moment.

Until next month, remember, love yourself.
Love others.
Love our world.
We are one Earth family.
