Parvati Magazine, MAPS, Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary, A Voice for Everyone, grand and visionary project

Finding Satisfaction in a Grand and Visionary Project

As a vocational and passionate team member of MAPS, my contribution to the greater good of the planet mostly happens behind the scenes. I assist Parvati, Rishi and Vandana with introductions to banks, aid organizations and other relevant people who can assist in our cause and raise awareness on a global scale.

Wherever my travels and day job take me, I always raise the topic of protecting the whales and the Arctic ice as the air-conditioner of our planet, and of how people must do more to protect and respect our Mother Earth. My personal contribution, beyond prayers for our planet and all of humanity, is to not own a car, to use public transportation or cycle, and to reduce air travel to a minimum. I have cut down on plastic and only use a refillable drinking bottle, and drink filtered tap water in a glass jar.

I often take walks to work through Hyde Park in London to cherish the beauty of our planet and thank Mother Earth for her generosity. This helps to put my thoughts in order and soul in balance ahead of a busy day.

As a teacher and tutor at the University of Oxford, I often meet young students from all across the world. During one of our last programs, I taught students in India over a ten-day program all about protecting the oceans, marine life and the Arctic. MAPS was the centerpiece of the program, and the students had great fun in researching what global leaders and nations are doing to protect our planet.

It gives great satisfaction and meaning to my life to be connected to such a grand and visionary project, and I will not rest until we achieve our goals.

Antonio Potenza, MBA, BBA, Executive Director at AstonBlackstone International LLC and Chief Investment Officer at Parvati Foundation, has experience in sustainable investments in natural resources, investment banking, impact investments, social entrepreneurship, and organizational and business development. He is now focused on bridging the missing middle and championing social justice.