December 2018: Sanctuary (Read the Full Issue)

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Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again.” – Joseph Campbell

Welcome to the December 2018 issue of Parvati Magazine.

As the sun moves further away from the Earth and the days grow shorter, we are living in a dark time in more ways than one. There is an undoubtable prevalence of global suffering, as in the increase in radical groups that seek to kill and destroy—but also in the polarized and reactive nature of our society in general.

Yet amidst the storm, there is a growing effulgence of luminosity. I can feel it so palpably when I turn my focus to that which is eternal. There is so much pain and so much grace available to us in this unprecedented time. What we choose now affects how we experience this moment, and determines what our future brings.

For this world to be a sanctuary, we each must cultivate our own inner sanctuary of presence and peace. In this month’s issue, find out how to do just that as we speak with Marcus Nobel of United Earth, award-winning singer Deva Premal, the “Last Strongman in Africa” John McGrath and the candid and internationally acclaimed yogi Kino MacGregor. Hear from Yogis Unite supporter Tias Little about yoga’s profound connection with the environment. All this and much more!

This month’s cover features the angel Illuminelle from my upcoming “Ocean Anthem” music video. The costume represents countless hours of loving work by me and my friends such as the former Opera Atelier costumer Dora Rust-D’Eye and fashion student Sandra Bueler. “Ocean Anthem” is dedicated to the protection of our oceans for the sake of all life on Earth. I can’t wait to share it!

The spiritual and humanitarian leader Amma says, “Real prayer includes being compassionate and humble towards others, smiling at someone and saying kind words. We should learn to forgive the mistakes of others and to be deeply compassionate – just as our one hand automatically caresses the other hand if in pain. By developing love, understanding and broadmindedness, we can ease the pain of so many people. Our selflessness will also enable us to enjoy the peace and bliss that is within us.”

There are so many tragic situations around the world today where people have had to flee persecution and struggle to find adequate food and shelter. These are a call to compassion. We could easily have been the ones living in a war zone. Those who have lost loved ones, homes, even the hope of a better life, have just the same capacity for love and grief as we do. We are not separate from them, or from the planet we share.

As you choose the light of your own true nature, you light the light of hope, interconnection and grace. You ignite your passionate fire that fuels the joy of your being. You open yourself to a field of possibility far beyond what you could know staying small, feeling disconnected and alone. As you choose your light, you inspire others to do the same. In this way, the courage to make a healthy choice benefits not only your life, but all of life. You become a beacon of love for all beings, everywhere.

Love yourself.
Love others.
Love our world.
We are one Earth family.
